
Beautiful Rose- Chapter 9: Looking For Hope

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Jolie woke up the next morning and looked at herself, forgetting everything for a moment. She frowned at what she saw. She was still the catlike creature and it was still all too real.

The princess heard her tummy rumble. "I'm hungry," she said to herself. She scanned the forest, "But what do I eat now?"

She tried imagining different things in her mouth. Roast beef, turkey, apples and oranges. Porridge and chocolate. They all tasted delicious but she couldn't get any of them in the forest out here. Not that she knew of anyway. So, she tried something that he beast instincts were telling her to try. Rabbit. Raw rabbit fresh from the bone. Or deer or some other poor little creature in the woods. But not cooked. Not roasted…

No. Jolie wouldn't. She couldn't! She refused to kill any animal. Even if it meant starving to death as a beast. She might as well do some good in her state and decided to become vegetarian. So she thought about some of the lessons she was taught at the castle. What are foods- besides raw meat- that you can find in the forest? Berries!

There were berries in the forest and nuts! She tried to imagine the taste of those in her mouth and they still tasted just fine. Good. Jolie's stomach was starting to get impatient with her. And with that said, she got on all fours and decided to run and get use to running in the forest and learning to avoid things. Be fast and yet quiet at the same time. And look for breakfast…


"Did anyone see her go to bed last night!?" Adam asked the castle men.

He scanned the room for any suspicious faces or movements. He was furious and yet scared all at the same time. He was being a father…

"I thought she was in bed all night. I didn't actually see her go," Lumiere said stepping  up. He had seen the master at his angriest. He could take the blow if needed.

Mrs. Potts joined and said, "The last time I saw her, I served Jolie and Jacques dinner. That was about an hour before sunset."

"Did anyone see her after that?" Belle said trying to hold back tears.

"I saw her after dinner," Madame de la Grande Bouche said stepping forward, "She came to get into her common clothes so she could stroll in the garden with Jacques and not have to worry about getting her clothes dirty."

"Then I saw her and Jacques in the garden!" Cogsworth said stepping up, "They were heading toward the fountain and helped me after I fell into a prank set out."

"No one saw her after that!?" Adam said holding a crying Belle in his arms.

"I did," said the carriage driver who took Jacques home, "I saw her after that."

"Where!?" Adam said not wasting any time.

"She was with that young lad, Jacques after she ordered for a carriage. I saw her go inside the carriage to set a rose for Jacques inside. Then the lad said he was ready to go and the princess had already left the carriage and went back in the castle. I should have checked, I should have! I is so sorry your majesties…"

The carriage driver took off his cap and twisted it in his hands. His head down and trying not to hold back tears. "Just please don't take  me off this job. I has a wife and kiddies who need this home."

Belle shook her head and walked up to him. "We're not going to get rid of you," she said slightly smiling, "You gave us a good lead. And Jolie just probably snuck away with Jacques. We want to thank you for stepping up."

Adam stepped behind his wife and put his hands in her shoulders, smiling at the carriage driver as well. The royal parents felt better knowing she just ran off with Jacques to his place.

The carriage driver wiped his eyes and smiled, nodding his head. "Thank ya your highnesses! Thank ya!" he said with joy, "I appreciate it."

"As do we," Adam said.

All the other castle men has looked down at the ground to avoid staring at the conversation. They all waited for the King's next order. "We know where Jolie is!" Adam announced, "You are all dismissed!"

The service men started walking away when Adam called, "Cogsworth!"

The head of the household jumped in surprise and then stood straight. "Yes master?"

"Find the address for Jacques home," Adam said rubbing Belle's tense shoulders, "Let us know as soon as possible."

Cogsworth nodded and scurried off. "Do you want me to let the stable boys know to ready your horse monsieur?" Lumiere said stepping forward.

"Please do," Adam said as he turned to Mrs. Potts.

"Mrs. Potts, find Chip and have him lead a search party on the grounds and around it just incase she decided to come back and we just missed something."

Mrs. Potts nodded and walked away. "Adam," Belle said, "Let me come with you."

Adam looked down at her and shook his head. "Belle, I think you should stay here. I don't want you to get hurt."

Belle faced him and took Adam's hands. "Belle. You and Jolie are my Beautiful Roses," he said, "I can't risk loosing any of you."

Belle smiled and said, "But if she's just at Jacques' house, she should be perfectly fine. There's no way I can get hurt. I just want to see for myself instead of waiting here and worrying until you get back. I don't want you to get hurt Adam."

Adam raised an eyebrow. "May I remind you that the last time I left you alone, you were on top of the castle, ready to let someone beat you."

Adam laughed and hugged her. She made a point and he loved her for that. "Alright Belle. You can come and make Jolie and I don't get hurt."

She laughed and hugged him back. He gave her a smooch and said, "I'll go tell the stable boys to get Philippe Jr. ready as well."

He ran off as Belle ran upstairs to get into her common clothes. She kept telling herself that everything was going to be alright.


Jacques still sat in the vine cage. Ignoring the food his mother had made for him on the other side. "Jacques, why won't you eat your food?" Adrienne said walking over.

"Because you're nothing but evil," he said sitting straight up and arms crossed, "And I might catch it if I eat it…"

Adrienne started to get angry but took a deep breath. She still loved Jacques very much. He was her son. The one who believed in her and helped her through everything, even when times were tough. But he was being difficult and she couldn't make him believe in her now. "Jacques," Adrienne said pulling a chair up next to the cage, "Would you like to hear more about your father?'

This caught Jacques attention. Of course he wanted to know about his father. He never knew him and his mother refused to tell Jacques about this Gaston until just recently. But Jacques could let his mother see him soften up and said, "What about him?" moving his eyes to look at her but that was all.

"Of how important he was to me and if how he stayed, he would have been a huge part of your life," she said sounding sympathetic.

Jacques turned his head to look at her now. He still loved his mother but what she did wasn't acceptable. But she was now willing to tell Jacques about his father. The man in his life he needed most at times and he never had that. "Tell me about him," Jacques said softening up a bit.

"Your father's name was Gaston," Adrienne started. She put her elbows on her knees and leaned forward. "He was a charming fellow. He had jet black hair and blue eyes. Just like you…"

Adrienne smiled at him when she said that last part. Every part of Jacques was curious now. "Go on…"

"We actually grew up together. Childhood friends you can say," Adrienne said looking over his head, "But we grew a love for each other over the years and one day, he said I was the most beautiful girl in town and he wanted no one but me."

Tears started filling Adrienne's eyes. She smiled and said, "Then one day, he proposed and said we would be the most good looking couple in town if I said yes. And of course I said yes! How could I not? I loved him so much…"

Tears started falling from her eyes. Jacques felt really bad for his mother. And he felt bad he never got the chance to meet Gaston. His father.

"We were engaged. He bragged to the whole town on how he was going to marry the most beautiful girl in town. It was almost like that was the only reason why but I knew it was more than that. He just had to keep an image up in front of his friends," Adrienne said looking back at Jacques.

Jacques then asked, "What happened?"

Adrienne wiped away the tears. "A week after we were engaged, Queen Belle and her father moved into town. After that, everyone said that she was the most beautiful girl in town even though she was odd. But I remember it so clearly."

Adrienne looked away again. The tears were no longer coming. "Gaston and I were walking through town. Hand in hand. He seemed… Distracted… Like he didn't want to be around me at the moment. I thought maybe he was tense from all his hunting trips. He hadn't tracked down anything in a while ya know. But when I asked, he told me he was frustrated because he had met the new girl in town yet. And he really wanted to see if she really was as beautiful as everyone said she was."

Anger was starting to rise and Jacques could see it. "Then we walked by the book shop and young woman in a blue dress came out reading a book. She had brunette hair and brown eyes. Gaston was in awe when he saw her and he let go of my hand to run to her. And he introduced himself and tried to impress her with his muscles. But she refused and I was relieved. As soon as he came back, I asked him what she said. He told me it was none of my business and we had to talk that night."

Adrienne's fists clenched. "That night he told me the engagement was off. And he swore he would marry Belle instead for she was the most beautiful girl in town now."

She screamed and threw the chair across the room, having it smash into pieces when it hit the door. Jacques just went back to the other side of the cage in fear. "Her beauty took her away from me. She teased him and made him think he was going he was going to have her and he fell under her spell," Adrienne said stomping over the rose.

Jacques was upset to see his mother in so much pain. "But it wasn't Belle's fault! He only wanted to be with the most beautiful girl in town! He's the bad guy here! You're one of the most beautiful women I know and it's not just because you're my mother. He never loved-"


Jacques stood up furiously and quickly. He felt bad for her but he didn't now. He marched to the side of the cage nearest to his mother, who was still standing next to the rose. "I can speak about him however I want! I didn't know him and I'll never know him! He died before I was born! You kept him out of my life, no matter how much I asked about him! You were too worried about getting revenge on Belle when she did absolutely nothing! Gaston is the villain here! Not her!" Jacques said crossing his arms.

Adrienne just stared at his firmly. "He sounds like a huge jerk anyway," Jacques said.

Adrienne turned her back to him, crossing her own arms. Jacques uncrossed him and relaxed. "Maybe Gaston loved you once but that was long before he proposed to you. All he wanted then was to look good. Nothing else. Her never loved Belle and he never loved you either.. He was using you… Why do you refuse to see that?" Jacques asked calmly.

Adrienne still had her back turned to him. "Because it isn't true," she said.

She flicked her wrist and the spaces between the bars of the cage started filling in. "What are you doing!?" Jacques cried backing away from the bars.

"I think you need a timeout Jacques. I'm not very happy with you right now," Adrienne said still refusing to look at him.

The spaces finally were filled completely. It became dark instantly and he couldn't see anything around him except vines and bark. Just a ball of light showed up from the top of the covered cage which allowed him to see better.

He looked around and saw the tray of food sitting there and the chair which he was trapped in yesterday on the side of the cage. The food faded away and Jacques sat in the chair and thought about his escape and if it was ever going to be possible. How could his own mother do such a thing?

Rewritten version of chapter 9.
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